The benefits of eco-friendly packaging for the beauty brands

Enviroment - eco-friendly packaging

As the years go by, the need to protect the environment becomes more and more urgent. Consequently, for some years now, multinational companies have launched major campaigns to raise consumer awareness of the critical issues surrounding global warming and the ecological crisis. Many renowned companies, particularly those in the cosmetic packaging industry, have spearheaded initiatives to protect the environment. Our company,, is committed to being part of these innovative and pioneering campaigns. With over a decade of expertise in packaging, we prioritize quality, customer satisfaction and environmental responsibility. This commitment drives us to select exceptional qualities of cosmetic packaging items, which are made from environmentally friendly materials.

It is worthwhile analyzing the reasons why it is beneficial to prefer reusable products and cosmetics packaging, made of eco-friendly materials. To begin with, by choosing reusable cosmetic packaging, consumers begin to adopt more sustainable and responsible consumption habits. For example jars for creams, bottles for perfumes, creams, essential oils can all be reused.

«Our company,, is committed to being part of these innovative and pioneering campaigns»

The key thing about all eco-friendly packaging is that it can be reused, recycled and split without being dangerous for the environment. Therefore, by embracing a more “green culture” and consciousness, the preference for packaging made of recyclable materials, such as glass, paper and plastic PET becomes an ideal choice, meeting consumer needs while promoting environmental sustainability.

Additionally, another innovative and sustainable option is refillable packaging. This option gives both our company and consumers the opportunity to create a zero waste packaging mentality together, but also to foster a new culture of ethical circular economy. On our site you can discover unique designs at competitive prices and qualities, emphasizing the refillable mindset. This approach not only protects the environment but also offers cost savings to consumers.

Bamboo collection - eco-friendly packaging

Moreover, another way of protecting and respecting the environment is choosing alternative and natural materials, such as bamboo products. Stylish and functional, they are one of the biggest trends in the global beauty market, as well as being the excellent green choice at the same time!

Set your brand apart from the competition with just one click! Discover our entire eco-friendly collection and differentiate your brand from competitors.

In conclusion, environmental protection is paramount, and collective efforts are essential to save the planet. By adopting more sustainable consumption practices and selecting products that align with environmental values, we can contribute to long-term sustainability and further cultivate the principles of a circular economy.

Body lotion packaging: top picks and trends

Whether you are actively selling body lotions & cosmetics, or you are a hobbyist that likes to take on DIY projects, it is highly likely that you are well aware of the importance that proper packaging plays when creating a top quality product. 

A superior quality packaging can contribute to the preservation and conservation of raw materials and ingredients, the effectiveness of any given product’s formula, as well as increase the overall sales that a product of this nature will achieve in the open market, since packaging can add significant perceived value to all cosmetic’s products.

In this blog post we will look for the best possible options available and present the cosmetics and body lotion packaging solutions that the majority of consumers prefer, based on our experience.

Airless body lotion packaging

It prevents air from entering the container and oxidizing the lotion. This helps maintain the potency and effectiveness of its ingredients. In addition, airless packaging can prevent bacteria and other contaminants from entering, which can help extend the shelf life of the cosmetic product.

Airless Packaging – Our top picks

30 ml airless jar with plastic cap in various colors

Airless jar 50 ml plastic with lid


Airless bottle 15 ml for plastic cream with outer acrylic case


Airless plastic bottle for cream 50 ml with transparent body


Travel friendly packaging

For consumers who travel frequently, travel friendly packaging is really a one-way street. A quality travel packaging is an excellent choice for consumers who are constantly on the move. 

Small bottles fit easily into a purse, backpack or suitcase, making it easy for customers to take their favorite lotion with them wherever they go. This can be especially appealing for customers who travel frequently or who have busy, on-the-go lifestyles.

Plus, such convenient packaging is a fantastic way to increase sales. Customers are more likely to buy a product if they can try a small sample first, or if they know they can easily take it with them wherever they go.

Travel friendly body lotion airless packaging – Our top picks

Airless bottle 15 ml acrylic in black color


Airless acrylic bottle for cream 15 ml with transparent body and aluminum cap


Airless plastic bottle for transparent cream 15 ml


Do you want to learn more about active and intelligent packaging, what these are and how they can help businesses? Learn more here!


Active and Intelligent Packaging: Advantages

Active and Intelligent packaging, 2 trends in professional packaging that even today have not found universal acceptance, despite the significant advantages they offer.

Food packaging takes on the role of preserving food, thus extending the shelf life of products, while ensuring the highest quality and safety during production and storage.

Smart food packaging further develops the functions of traditional packaging by introducing the possibility of continuous monitoring of food quality throughout production, in order to assess and reduce contamination outbreaks and food waste, while promoting more effectively valuable information towards consumers.

Various food quality indicators have been the core of several smart packaging functions in recent years, but mass adoption remains a challenge.

To this end, in recent years, the 2 following packaging solutions have been created:

Active packaging

active packaging

Active packaging interacts with the contents of a product to improve its quality or shelf life during storage. A good example is when certain substances are released into the packaging or its immediate environment. Filtering light, oxygen and ethylene can significantly improve the shelf life of products during storage. In active packaging, the active agent can be incorporated into the packaging or added separately.

A good example of active packaging is when a beer is packaged in a plastic bottle. The plastic bottle usually contains an oxygen absorber in the screw cap that extends the shelf life of the beer by three to six years.

Intelligent packaging

active packaging

Intelligent packaging is a packaging that monitors the condition of a product and provides information about its quality during transport and storage. This type of packaging uses quality indicators to improve the decisions a company makes regarding quality control and overall product safety.

A smart package features multiple functions such as recording, detecting and providing important information about the current state of the product. To make use of this packaging, companies need the necessary technological hardware that will collect indicators such as time, temperature, maturity indicators, air composition, etc.

This technology provides remote control capabilities. For example, we could be able to change the oxygen level in a product without necessarily having the product in our hands.

QR codes can be considered a form of smart packaging too and have been used extensively in an effort to improve user experience and product quality. They have been used as a mean to provide a greater wealth of information or make repeat purchases super easy.

The advantages of intelligent packaging

They help consumers to get better information

QR codes printed on the packaging of virtually any product can help consumers get important information about the product they have just bought. We are at the heart of the transition towards an Eco-friendly society and consumers want to know the environmental footprint of any given product.

active packaging

By doing so, businesses can offer information about the origin, nutritional values, dietary concerns, etc. to the consumer in a direct and interactive way.

Quality control

The quality of a company’s products is inextricably linked to its brand reputation and success. The primary concern of eCommerce companies is to increase the shelf life of their products while enhancing the aesthetic appeal of their packaging.

active packaging

This is exactly the innovation that active & intelligent packaging offers. They not only enhance the design of a product’s packaging but add active ingredients that improve the quality and longevity of the product.

Reduction of pollutants and optimal resource management

Optimal resource management, combined with waste reduction, plays a key role in the sustainability of any business.

The adoption of smart packaging maximizes the efficiency of the production line. As a result, the extra cost of waste management is eliminated and those same resources can be strategically invested in other areas.

active packaging

Another very important advantage is the reduction of the harmful substances certain packaging options have. Intelligent packaging is a sustainable and ecological option, based on ‘green materials’.

Product packaging: modern trends and solutions


Product packaging
Wolfmann, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

An integral part of the promotion of a product is undoubtedly the packaging and appearance of the product, especially if we are talking about retail where product placement is crucial.

That is the reason why many businesses, regardless of their size, are constantly trying to stand out in this key promotional and sales hub. After all, it is the packaging of a product that is the main expression of its image and general philosophy, with consumers in recent years increasingly emphasizing usability, quality and the immediate provision of information.

With that in mind, let’s take a look at 3 types of packaging that have been attracting consumer interest lately, each for its own particular characteristics:

A) Ecological, green packaging

There are many consumers nowadays who, in addition to choosing a product based on its features and usability, they often take into consideration the eco-friendly nature of its packaging as a gesture of responsibility and ecological awareness.

Thus, many companies are now turning to sustainable, eco-friendly options by changing the composition of their packaging to “green materials”. That is why on the shelves of retail stores we tend to come across products using mostly or primarily recyclable packaging, biodegradable or other reused materials (e.g. paper bags, paper kraft boxes).

Usually these packages also carry some special, registered symbols on them that illustrate and communicate their ecological composition and the appropriate place where they should be disposed.

This is common practice for products such as milk, juices, cereals, pasta etc, while other companies are expected to gradually adopt similar solutions. These solutions are aimed at eco-conscious consumers who are aware of the environmental and climate change impacts the production and disposal of a product has.

Product packaging

2) Practical packaging and ease of use

Another particularly popular packaging category is that of practical, functional and easy-to-use packaging. In this category we come across solutions that can be easy to open and close while effectively protecting their contents (e.g. Doy-pack type packaging).

They are highly resistant to damage, stand the test of time, respond to refrigeration conditions, are flexible and generally aim to offer a comfortable and great user experience to the consumer.

Product packaging

Such packaging is often chosen by women with children who usually face a multitude of happenstances in their household and time management is their top priority.

Similarly, other categories of consumers such as workers, singles or couples seem to prefer them mainly because of the fast pace of their lives. Practical packaging solutions are commonly used for dairy products, cold cuts, vegetables, pre-cooked food and even various snacks.

3) Interactive packaging, internet and access to information

In addition to the above options, it is a fact that in recent years many companies have started the digital transformation of their packaging. This digital dimension has the potential to offer, through a smartphone, access to a lot of information about the product in question and is particularly friendly to the new generation of consumers.

For example, a QR code on any packaging can lead to additional information online, link to a social media page or even provide all the necessary information about a current promotional activity. Such an option is not affected by the packaging material at all (a QR code can be printed anywhere), it offers a stylish presentation and is economical in terms of space and usability.

All it takes is for a company to maintain an up-to-date web presence so that the customer can also access this updated and useful content. More and more companies are expected to adopt this model in the near future, as the evolution of technology promises additional solutions capable of offering personalized experiences to each customer.

Choose eco-friendly paper bags for your business!

The choice of paper bags and gift bags for your business is what makes your business stand out from the rest.
It gives the final touch of quality and care to your goods. The bag is the final stage of selling and it completes your business image. When your product is properly packaged with premium quality paper bags, you can attract more customers. This is why you should consider them important. They will help in promoting your brand to the target audience.

Customers don’t just buy goods. They buy all the shopping experience in a store. Reception, service, courtesy, smile, neatness are all included in the shopping experience, as well as, quality and prices. Upon completion of the purchase comes the only thing customers have not seen before, the paper bag or gift bag. It’s the moment to make an impression and earn them with the overall image of your business.

Paper bags are recyclable

Recyclable materials are widely used lately. The tendency to select bags from recyclable materials has been increased and they are now widespread. Bags made from such materials are preferred because they can be reused. Furthermore, plastic recyclables materials, also give an alternative to the use of plastic.

So let’s all contribute to the environmental protection and choose to use only recyclable paper bags. Even such a small change in our consumer’s behavior can make the difference! We need to take care of our planet. Our concern will eventually affect the quality of all our lives and our planet will breathe again.

Reducing the use of plastic products.

How to adopt environmental habits and lifestyle

We begin the year in an eco-friendly mood, and we show you how to reduce the use of plastic bags and packaging. It is true that it’s difficult to change habits, but if you think of a positive environmental impact, I believe it will not be difficult for you to change a few little things every day, with the result adopting new habits.
Continue reading Reducing the use of plastic products.

5 essential oils you need in winter

Get to know the essential oils better.

Καραμελέ μπουκαλάκι για αιθέρια έλαιαEssential oils are good allies in combating winter discomforts such as coughing, colds, muscle aches, headaches, dry skin and stress due to daily commitments. Essential oils are well known, but it is important to take care of which essential oils are used and to know their benefits.
Continue reading 5 essential oils you need in winter

Tips for the perfect packaging of nuts!

The right equipment for nut stores

Every producer or owner of a nuts shop should know how to storage their products in the right way, in order to keep them fresh, while showing them up! Below you can find ideas and solutions for the perfect packaging of nuts, herbs, legumes and other food products in bulk.
Continue reading Tips for the perfect packaging of nuts!

Galenical Preparations: formulations and packaging

The importance of packaging to the pharmaceutical galenical preparations.

The quality of producing and packaging galenical preparations is the solution for every pharmacist who wishes to upgrade his business. But where does the term “galenical preparations” come from and are the advantages of creating these products?
The galenical pharmaceutics, in the first place, were the medicine that were prepared by Claudius Galenus (Galen), the second most important doctor after Hippocrates, during the ancient years. According to the bibliography, these pharmaceutics were complex and came from plants’ oils and animals.
It is true that the art of creating pharmaceutics had disappeared for a while and the pharmacist was just the seller of products made from pharmaceutical companies. But now, the market of galenical pharmaceutics is developing rapidly, creating a competition in this specific field.

The pharmaceutics that are prepared in a pharmacy lab have many advantages and a pharmacist can profit from them. There is also a big benefit for the patients that use them.

Galenical preparations cover a big range of needs, comparing to the industry made ones.
Some of these are:

• Adjusting the pharmaceutics to the patient’s needs, individually.
• Covering the needs that may appear in certain groups, such as the elderly or infants.
• Prescription of medicine, either non-existing or in lack of from industries.
• Changing the form of the medicine for easy use, for example turning a pill into a syrup.
• Preparing homeopathy pharmaceutics.
• Creating cosmetic products.
• Producing pharmaceutics without conservatives, suitable for long term treatments and ideal for sensitive skin.
The key in preparing galenical pharmaceuticals with a good quality is the right equipment for their production and their packaging. The quality of pharmaceutics and cosmetics can be better with the use of upgraded equipment; therefore can provide everything that a pharmacist may need in the process of preparing his own pharmaceutics. There are pharmaceutical bottles or cosmetic packages, in the best glass quality to protect your products from external factors. Here you can find a variety of equipment and packages for your pharmacy, such as:

Pharmaceutical Packaging
Cosmetic Packages
Syringes (glass or plastic)
Funnels (glass or plastic)
Spray for topical-nasal use
Caps and droppers
Zip bags

and many other tools and packages, which will make the art of a pharmacist easy and with high quality.

Since it is very important that a pharmacist produces within his field and not only consult or sell medicine, stands by you and provides all you need when it comes to equipment.

Stand-Up Pouches, the evolution in the packaging of food products.

The right packaging is very important for the preservation and promotion of your products. In the field of packaging, there is a constant evolution, in order to meet the needs of the food industry, as well as the needs of the consumers. Continue reading Stand-Up Pouches, the evolution in the packaging of food products.