How to make scented candles at home: 2023 Step by step guide

scented candles

They are way cheaper and super easy to make.

Do you want to make your own candles? With just a few steps and ingredients, you ll be able to create gorgeous aromatic candles that will fill your home with breathtaking aroma. Learn how with our step by step guide!

Raw materials and choices

Before you start with the creative process, it’s time for some important decisions! We start with the collection of the necessary raw materials. This includes the wax, mold, wick, pigments and all other necessary materials. Once you have everything you can move on to melting the wax and using it!

Decide what kind of scented candle you want to create

scented candles

Let’s start with what kind of candle you want to begin with. You can choose from a variety of sizes, shapes and styles. From the classic candle holder candles to the more intricate and elaborate candle designs, such as those in coconut bowls or fireproof jars with lids. Ask yourself what kind of candle you want to create and use that as a starting point.

Pick the perfect mold

scented candles

The mold that you ‘ll choose will be the basis of your creation, so choose carefully! You can choose from mason jars, tin jars, glass jars and so many more options. Just make sure that above else, your mold/jar is fireproof and can withstand the heat of the flame during the wax burning process.

Pro tip: Scented candles need a lid to maintain the intensity of the fragrance throughout their “life cycle” so it’s best to choose a container with a lid.

Choose the right type of wax


With so many wax types available on the market, it is difficult to choose just one for your project. Paraffin wax has been the most popular choice for many years. It is economical and can hold fragrance oils very easily. However, it is not Eco-friendly and releases a lot of harmful chemicals into the atmosphere.

On the other hand, we have beeswax. The cleanest burning wax with the disadvantage that it is not suitable for making scented candles because it does not easily hold the fragrance oils sufficiently enough.

Soy wax has been a popular choice in recent years as it gives a clean burn with excellent longevity. Another popular wax within the same category, and with similar properties more or less, is the coconut wax. Both are a great place to start.

Pigments, fragrance oils and wicks

Once we have chosen the type of wax, we now need to make the final decisions.

The pigments come in oil or powder form and will help you create unique designs.

As far as the fragrance oils are concerned, this is purely based on your own preference. Also, you have to make sure your wick matches the container width you will be using. If you will be using a very wide candle holder, you might want to consider using 2 or 3 wicks to ensure your candle burns smoothly. Its best to start with a small 120ml or 200ml candle jar, where 1 wick would be sufficient.

Materials for creating scented candles:

Waxes – We recommend soy wax
Candle Jars
Metal vessel (inox) for bain-marie
A good quality thermometer
Stainless steel vessel
Stirring rod
Fragrance oils
Wicks (we prefer wooden wicks)
Accessories to keep the wick centered (such as metal bases for wooden wicks)
Wick trimmers

Step-by-step instructions for your first scented candle

Step 1


Glue the wick to the base of the container. You can secure it with a peg so that it won’t fall or wobble when you pour in the melted wax. It is very important that the wick is securely placed in the center of the container to ensure proper and even burning.

Step 2

ben marie

Never melt the wax directly! Use the Ben Marie technique instead.

Step 3

ben marie

When the water starts to simmer, lower the heat and gently stir the soy wax with the stirrer. We want the wax to reach 90 degrees Celsius. The Ben Marie technique ensures that the wax will not go past 100 degrees Celsius, where there is a risk of combustion.

Step 4

The percentage of fragrance oil we use may vary. We usually choose from 6 to 15%. It depends on the use and the size of the room where we want to use our candle in. If we want to have it in the bedroom, 6% oil is enough. In a larger space, such as the living room, we will need more oil (around 10-12%).

Step 5

Once the wax reaches 90-95 degrees Celsius, remove it from the heat and allow it to cool for 10 – 15 minutes. We want it to approach 70-75 degrees Celsius to add the aromatic oils.

Step 6

aromatic oil

Once your melted wax has cooled slightly, add all the fragrance oil to the pot and stir gently (to avoid bubbles) for at least 2 minutes. This will ensure that the oil and wax will blend smoothly.

Step 7

scented candles

Let the wax sit for a few minutes and fill the containers when the wax is between 55 to 65 degrees. Be especially careful not to pour the melted wax into the container too quickly to avoid bubbles.

Step 8

It is important to let the soy wax cool and crystallize for at least 1 day. When it is cool, cut the wick with the wick trimmer to a height of just over half a centimeter.

Common mistakes and pitfalls to avoid when creating scented candles:

  • Using the wrong type of wax. Each type of wax liquefies at different degrees Celsius. There are also differences in the temperature at which the fragrance oil should be added, as well as the ideal spot to add it to the container/jar/glass/mold.
  • Wrong percentage of fragrance or essential oil. If too much oil is used, the burning of the wax may be affected. If too little is used, it will not have enough intensity.
  • Incorrect placement of the wick. It is very important that the wick is the right length for the size of the container, as well as being placed in the center of the container.
  • Filling the container while the wax is too hot. This can lead to the creation of bubbles or uneven surfaces, which will affect the total burn time.
  • Unmolding or burning the wax too early. The wax must be given adequate time to crystallize and set. Otherwise, it may lose its shape or not burn properly.
  • The use of improper pigment. Certain types of pigments can lead to loss of intensity or discoloration over time.


Do you want to save space and money? Learn how you can use glass jars creatively  and effectively in our article!

Natural after-sun care for sun-burns and dehydrated skin

We all know how important it is to protect our skin from sunlight. Causes premature skin aging, skin cancer and unsightly moles. But sometimes we may not use sunscreen with the right protection uv number for our skin type and still suffer the consequences. Below you will find some natural moisturizing ingredients that will moisturize and care for your sun-damaged skin.

Aloe. When it comes to sunburn, most people look for aloe vera. It is the most common natural remedy for burnt skin and not to mention… an extremely easy to maintain houseplant.

Lavender essential oil. Lavender is an excellent cooling essential oil for healing skin and burns. This oil has anti-inflammatory and soothing properties that quickly relieve sunburn. With its antibacterial properties, it can also protect the sunburn from infections.

Yoghurt. Apply cold yogurt to the burn for 10 minutes to help your skin cool down. Take one that contains many probiotics that will help restore the natural barrier of your skin and apply a thin layer over the sunburn. Greek organic yogurt would be a good choice because thanks to its lactic acid it is considered anti-inflammatory.


Vinegar. Use white distilled vinegar or apple cider vinegar. There are many options to apply it on your skin. Filling a spray bottle with vinegar and water to spray on your skin. Immerse a cloth in vinegar, tightening the cloth and tapping it gently on the affected areas. Or with a cool bath with diluted vinegar. Is there anything vinegar can not do!?!


Tea. Fill a jug with hot water and pour in three bags of black tea. The tannic acid and theobromine in black tea help to remove heat from the sunburn. Other compounds in tea, called catechins, help prevent and repair skin damage. You could also make a tea bath and soak it inside.

Potato peels. An old remedy for sunburn mentioned in many ancient therapies is potato peels. They provide the necessary moisture, have natural antibacterial properties and help in healing.

Cucumber. To restore your skin with a cool cucumber, use your blender. Mix a frozen cucumber in a slightly thick texture and then apply it on the burned areas. You could also put sliced ​​or sliced ​​cucumber on sunburned eyelids and skin for some local relief.

We hope you found our tips for dehydrated skin useful and that you pay attention now in the summer with the high sun rays. Always use sunscreen!

Spring kid-safe decorations DIY

Spring is coming and you are thinking of decorating your balconies with beautiful seasonal plants and at the same time, keep your children busy with something creative and without much expense. We have a practical idea for you !!!  With a few jars, empty coffee boxes or medium-sized tapers, you can make the most colorful compositions and other useful items. The only materials you will need are young plants or seeds (herbs, spices, flowers, etc.) dye, a brush, old newspapers and a few small stones.

DIY plant pal

All you have to do is transfer the plant to a mason jar / taper or even a cut bottle that you previously painted outside by first placing a few stones inside for drainage.

DIY Pencil case

Same process as above, just decorate a tall jar or coffee box. If you want you can stick a magnet on the outside to keep your paperclips in order.


DIY Candlestick lantern

Truly one of the most exotic outdoor decorations are the transparent lanterns. If they are painted in vibrant colors they emit colorful pastel lighting.
You will need transparent jars (whatever sizes you have), a few pieces of newspaper, stones and tealights.
You can also hang them with string on the railings of your balcony.
Place pieces of newspaper at the base of the inside of the jar and wet them lightly to stick them (so that the stones do not slip). Throw a few stones on top and the tealight or large candles on top.

You will find all kinds of jars, vases, ribbons and other decorative elements at


DIY autumn decoration ideas

Autumn decoration ideas with natural resources

October has arrived and autumn has made its appearance. So, since the landscape has now taken on the colours of the autumn palette, it is time to add a warm touch to the decoration of our house! Of course, since a seasonal decoration won’t stay in our space for a long time, it is not worth wasting a lot of energy and money for it. For this reason, in this article, we will present some ideas for a quick and handmade autumn decoration.

Autumn leaves
To begin with, a trademark of autumn is the yellow-orange leaves, which of course cannot be missing from our decor. These autumn leaves can be used in countless ways to upgrade the decoration of a space. So, a very simple way to decorate the living room or kitchen table, if they have removable glass, is to place dry leaves under it.



Autumn composition with candles
Also, for the decoration of the living room or any other surface is to make various small compositions with a natural object. For example, we can put some jars of candles between dry leaves. Another beautiful idea that reminds us of autumn, is a composition with dried fruits. The process is simple. We will need some fruits of our choice, such as apples, bananas or oranges. After cutting them into thin slices and soaking them in lemon juice, we need to leave them for an hour in the oven at 100 degrees. After removing the fruits from the oven, we can place them on a tray along with a few cinnamon sticks, a ribbon, and candles in earthy colours.

Jar with pinecones
As we said, it is not worth wasting much time and money on a seasonal decoration. In any case, sometimes the simplest ideas can prove to be the most impressive. So, the next idea that we propose, is a very simple composition with pinecones. To implement this idea, we will need a vase, pinecones (depending on the size of the jar) and a set of fairy lights. So, in this simple way, a characteristic piece of autumn becomes part of the decoration of our house.


All these very simple materials can create many more decorative details if we just use our imagination.

DIY hand sanitiser with 3 ingredients!

Make your own hand sanitiser quickly and easily!

As the urgency of our personal care and hygiene never stops, the use of hand sanitiser has now become part of our daily routine. For this reason, today’s article is about making a homemade hand sanitiser with three simple ingredients.

We all recognise how important it is to wash our hands often. Especially after the outbreak of the Coronavirus, the efforts for the benefit of our personal hygiene have increased. However, it is not uncommon being unable to wash our hands with soap and water. 

Thus, using an antiseptic is the only way to get rid of germs. Below you will find instructions for making a hand sanitiser with aloe base based. Also, pay close attention to the tips you will see below as they can make the whole process easier for you!

What we will need:1. Aloe
2. Alcoholic lotion
3. Lavender and tea tree essential oil
4. Bottle

How to make it:
a) In a bowl or food bag (see tips) place 3 tbsp. of aloe and 1 tbsp. alcoholic lotion.
b) Mix your base very well and add alcoholic lotion if the mixture is too thick.
c) Add half teaspoon tree oil and 7-8 drops of lavender oil and mix well.
d) Transfer the mixture to a bottle.

I. In order for your sanitiser to have a successful effect in killing germs, the alcoholic lotion should have a strength of at least 60%, and preferably 99% as it will be mixed with aloe gel.
II. The use of lavender and tea tree essential oils is not random. The lavender essential oil has healing and antiseptic properties. Tea tree oil, on the other hand, fights germs and has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect.
III. If you want your antiseptic to have spray form, you can add a larger amount of alcohol, in proportion to the aloe. Spray bottles can be found here.
IV. For a more comfortable transfer of the mixture to the bottle you can prepare your antiseptic directly in a food bag, opening and placing it on a bowl. So then, you will be able to cut off the corner of the bag and make a nozzle that will facilitate the pouring.
V. If we want to colour our antibacterial gel, we can add soap colour.

And so, there is no longer any excuse for dirty hands!